Indefinite Adjectives In Spanish: Ultimate Guide With Examples


Qu son los adjetivos indefinidos? Son palabras que acompaan al sustantivo para indicar cantidad u orden de forma imprecisa.

Existen varios tipos de adjetivos indefinidos, entre ellos:

  • Cantidad: algunos, muchos, pocos, varios
  • Orden: primero, segundo, ltimo
  • Existencia: algn, ninguno

Los adjetivos indefinidos son una parte importante del discurso, ya que nos permiten expresar ideas de cantidad u orden sin ser especficos. Por ejemplo, podemos decir "Tengo algunos libros" en lugar de "Tengo tres libros" si no sabemos o no queremos especificar el nmero exacto.

Adems, los adjetivos indefinidos pueden usarse para crear un efecto vago o impreciso, como en la frase "Haba varias personas esperando en la fila".

En resumen, los adjetivos indefinidos son una herramienta valiosa para expresar ideas de cantidad u orden de forma imprecisa, lo que los hace esenciales para una comunicacin efectiva.

Adjetivos indefinidos

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Indefinite adjectives are adjectives that do not specify a particular quantity or number. They can be used to refer to a general group of people or things, or to indicate an imprecise amount.

  • Quantity: some, many, few, several
  • Order: first, second, last
  • Existence: some, any, none
  • Quality: good, bad, old, new
  • Size: big, small, large, tiny
  • Shape: round, square, triangular

Indefinite adjectives are a useful tool for writers because they allow them to avoid being specific. This can be helpful when the writer does not know the exact quantity or number of something, or when they want to create a sense of vagueness or generality. For example, instead of saying "There were three people in the room," a writer could say "There were several people in the room." This second sentence is less specific, but it conveys the same general idea.


The words "some", "many", "few", and "several" are all indefinite adjectives that can be used to refer to quantity. They are used when we do not know or do not want to specify the exact number of something.

Here are some examples of how these words can be used:

  • "There are some books on the table."
  • "I have many friends."
  • "There are few people in the room."
  • "I have several things to do today."

The choice of which word to use depends on the context. "Some" is used when we are referring to a small number of things. "Many" is used when we are referring to a large number of things. "Few" is used when we are referring to a small number of things, but we want to emphasize that there are not many. "Several" is used when we are referring to a number of things, but we do not want to specify the exact number.

Indefinite adjectives are a useful tool for writers because they allow them to avoid being specific. This can be helpful when the writer does not know the exact quantity or number of something, or when they want to create a sense of vagueness or generality.


Indefinite adjectives that indicate order include "first", "second", and "last". They are used to specify the position of something in a sequence, but they do not specify the exact number of items in the sequence. For example, we might say "The first person in line" or "The last day of the month".

  • Ordinal numbers: Ordinal numbers are a type of indefinite adjective that indicate the position of something in a sequence. They are formed by adding the suffix "-th" to a cardinal number. For example, "first", "second", "third", "fourth", etc.
  • Positional adjectives: Positional adjectives are another type of indefinite adjective that indicate the position of something in relation to something else. For example, "front", "back", "top", "bottom", "left", "right".
  • Demonstrative adjectives: Demonstrative adjectives are used to point out specific people or things. They can also be used to indicate order. For example, "this", "that", "these", "those".

Indefinite adjectives that indicate order are a useful tool for writers because they allow them to specify the position of something in a sequence without having to use specific numbers. This can be helpful when the writer does not know the exact number of items in the sequence, or when they want to create a sense of vagueness or generality.


Indefinite adjectives that indicate existence include "some", "any", and "none". They are used to indicate whether or not something exists. For example, we might say "I have some money" or "I don't have any money".

  • Affirmative: The indefinite adjective "some" is used to indicate that something exists. For example, "I have some money" or "There are some books on the table".
  • Negative: The indefinite adjective "none" is used to indicate that something does not exist. For example, "I don't have any money" or "There are no books on the table".
  • Interrogative: The indefinite adjective "any" is used to ask a question about whether or not something exists. For example, "Do you have any money?" or "Are there any books on the table?".
  • Universal: The indefinite adjective "any" can also be used to indicate that something applies to all members of a group. For example, "Any student can apply for the scholarship" or "Any book is welcome".

Indefinite adjectives that indicate existence are a useful tool for writers because they allow them to specify whether or not something exists without having to use specific numbers. This can be helpful when the writer does not know the exact number of items in a sequence, or when they want to create a sense of vagueness or generality.


Indefinite adjectives can also be used to describe the quality of something. Common examples include "good", "bad", "old", and "new". These adjectives are often used to make general statements about something, without providing specific details.

For instance, we might say "The food was good" or "The car is old". In these examples, the indefinite adjectives "good" and "old" provide a general assessment of the food and the car, respectively, without specifying any particular qualities or characteristics.

  • Positive qualities

    Indefinite adjectives can be used to describe positive qualities, such as "good", "beautiful", and "nice". These adjectives are often used to express approval or admiration for something.

  • Negative qualities

    Indefinite adjectives can also be used to describe negative qualities, such as "bad", "ugly", and "mean". These adjectives are often used to express disapproval or criticism of something.

  • Neutral qualities

    Indefinite adjectives can also be used to describe neutral qualities, such as "old", "new", and "big". These adjectives are often used to provide information about something without expressing any particular opinion.

Indefinite adjectives that describe quality are a useful tool for writers because they allow them to make general statements about something without having to provide specific details. This can be helpful when the writer does not know all the details about something, or when they want to create a sense of vagueness or generality.


Indefinite adjectives that describe size include "big", "small", "large", and "tiny". These adjectives are used to indicate the physical dimensions of something, and they can be used to compare different objects or to provide a general impression of something's size.

For instance, we might say "The car is big" or "The house is small". In these examples, the indefinite adjectives "big" and "small" provide information about the size of the car and the house, respectively, without specifying any particular measurements.

Indefinite adjectives that describe size are often used in everyday conversation, and they can be helpful for providing a general idea of something's dimensions. However, it is important to note that these adjectives are not always precise, and they can sometimes be subjective. For example, what one person considers to be "big" another person might consider to be "small".

Despite their limitations, indefinite adjectives that describe size can be a useful tool for writers. They can be used to create vivid images in the reader's mind, and they can help to convey a sense of scale or proportion.


Indefinite adjectives can also be used to describe the shape of something. Common examples include "round", "square", and "triangular". These adjectives are often used to provide a general idea of something's shape, without providing specific measurements or details.

  • Basic shapes

    Indefinite adjectives can be used to describe basic shapes, such as "round", "square", and "triangular". These adjectives are often used to identify objects or to compare their shapes.

  • Complex shapes

    Indefinite adjectives can also be used to describe more complex shapes, such as "oval", "rectangular", and "cylindrical". These adjectives are often used to provide a more detailed description of an object's shape.

  • Irregular shapes

    Indefinite adjectives can also be used to describe irregular shapes, such as "lopsided", "asymmetrical", and "amorphous". These adjectives are often used to describe objects that do not have a regular or defined shape.

  • Shape comparisons

    Indefinite adjectives can be used to compare the shapes of different objects. For instance, we might say "The ball is rounder than the cube" or "The pyramid is more triangular than the cone".

Indefinite adjectives that describe shape are a useful tool for writers because they allow them to provide a general idea of something's shape without having to provide specific details. This can be helpful when the writer does not know all the details about something's shape, or when they want to create a sense of vagueness or generality.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions related to indefinite adjectives.

Question 1: What are indefinite adjectives?

Indefinite adjectives are a type of adjective that do not specify a particular quantity or number. They are used to refer to a general group of people or things, or to indicate an imprecise amount.

Question 2: What are the different types of indefinite adjectives?

There are several types of indefinite adjectives, including those that indicate quantity, order, existence, quality, size, and shape.

Question 3: How are indefinite adjectives used?

Indefinite adjectives are used to modify nouns and provide additional information about them. They can be used to describe the quantity, order, existence, quality, size, or shape of something.

Question 4: What is the difference between definite and indefinite adjectives?

Definite adjectives refer to a specific quantity or number, while indefinite adjectives refer to a general or imprecise amount.

Question 5: When should I use indefinite adjectives?

Indefinite adjectives should be used when you want to refer to a general group of people or things, or when you do not know or do not want to specify the exact quantity or number.

Indefinite adjectives are a valuable tool for writers because they allow them to provide general information about people, things, and concepts without having to be specific. They can be used to create a sense of vagueness or generality, or to avoid repeating specific numbers or quantities.

For more information on indefinite adjectives, please refer to the following resources:

  • Grammarly: Indefinite Adjectives
  • EF English First: Indefinite Adjectives
  • Oxford Learner's Dictionaries: Indefinite Adjective


Los adjetivos indefinidos son una parte importante del idioma espaol. Nos permiten referirnos a cantidades o grupos de forma imprecisa, lo que los hace esenciales para una comunicacin efectiva.

En este artculo, hemos explorado los diferentes tipos de adjetivos indefinidos y cmo se utilizan. Tambin hemos proporcionado ejemplos de cada tipo para ayudar a ilustrar su uso.

Esperamos que este artculo te haya resultado til. Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre los adjetivos indefinidos, no dudes en dejar un comentario a continuacin.

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Descubre los adjetivos indefinidos ejemplos y definición
Descubre los adjetivos indefinidos ejemplos y definición